[FREE] The Perfect Vocal Warm-up

Foster Your Voice

Helping high-stakes communicators deliver a message that inspires action.

Let It Breathe: Using Silence to Amplify Your Message information processing nonverbal communication pause Aug 13, 2024

Silence is more than just the absence of noise.

It is the breeding ground for thoughts to form, for cognitive connections, for emotional responsiveness, and for deeper relatedness.

There is a LOT...

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Mastering New Skills: Understanding, Desire, and Patience learning mastery neuroscience skill development Aug 07, 2024

Learning something new can be daunting. It’s a journey that requires more than just raw talent or a few late-night study sessions. To truly master any skill, you need three essential...

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Foster Hospitality: Reduce Barriers and Boost Engagement hospitality neural pathways voir dire Aug 06, 2024


This was a cornerstone of home life in my growing up years. 

It wasn't just about having people over for social visits, though we did plenty of that. More so, it was about how to...

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Pace Yourself: Mastering Varied Pacing for Emotional Impact nonverbal communication pace Jul 30, 2024

"Slow down, you move too fast. You gotta make the moment last..."

Are you singing with me? Maybe I'm betraying my age with that reference, but the point is important.

In fact, you really need to...

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Create Anticipation: Using Suspense to Engage Your Audience content melody nonverbal communication volume Jul 23, 2024

As a civil plaintiff trial attorney, captivating your audience is paramount to winning your case. Just as suspension bridges are built with tension, you can use tension in your presentations to...

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Breathe Better: The Secret to Sustained, Impactful Speaking breath management breathwork diction vocal power Jul 16, 2024

As a civil plaintiff trial attorney, your words, and how you deliver them, is your most powerful weapon in the courtroom. How do you make sure that your delivery elevates your arguments...

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Repeat to Retain: Reinforce Key Messages for Lasting Impact neural pathways neuroscience repetition Jul 09, 2024

Have you ever had your kid come home from school and say, "My teacher told me today that..." and you think to yourself, "I have told you that same thing 10x before, but you listen to them instead...

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Real Stories, Real Impact: Fostering Emotional Connections with an Audience public speaking storytelling Jul 02, 2024

Let's get real.

You don't have to totally spill your guts from the stage or in the courtroom, but you MUST bring an authentic HUMAN element.

You have to get a little vulnerable.


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Give Me Some Space: Managing Your Distance for Effective Communication nonverbal communication proxemics space Jun 26, 2024

Have you seen the movie Dirty Dancing? Remember the iconic line:

“Spaghetti arm! This is my dance space. This is your dance space.”

It’s a fun reminder that we all have...

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Stand Strong: Mastering Posture for Effective Public Speaking breathwork nonverbal communication posture Jun 25, 2024

First impressions are made based on how you carry yourself.

Before you say a word, your audience sees HOW you walk onto the stage; how you move through space and how you establish your...

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Actions Speak Louder than Words: The Secret to Powerful and Effective Communication gestures kinesics nonverbal communication posture Jun 19, 2024

Your body language can say more than words ever could.


When you master kinesics.

How you use your body, how you move through space and time, is the study of kinesics. All discernible body...

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Turn Ideas into Action: Practical Takeaways for Your Audience full spectrum voice high stakes communciation Jun 18, 2024

You are a "high-stakes communicator."

What's that mean?

We are ALL communicators. But not all communication is high-stakes communication. We communicate to transmit information -- both verbal and...

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I've got things to share, and I want to share them with YOU!

Developing your voice is a life-long journey. I want to give you helpful tips, tricks, exercises, and more to equip you for the adventure. 

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